Monday 9 March 2009

Our trip to Berlin

Summer meeting Auntie Linda

Summer in her party dress

Summer out for a meal with Oma and Opa

We have just returned from our trip to Berlin to see Summers Oma and Opa (Granny and Grandad) and had a great time. We stayed at Oma and Opa's house and Summer had her own bedroom. We all spent the week laughing and playing - Summer has that effect on everyone!

It was Summers first flight so we were a little concerned as to how she would cope but she just slept all the way there and most of the way back!!!

We did some sight seeing during the week we were there - visiting the Brandenburg Gate , Checkpoint Charlie and parts of the Berlin wall.

Summer met lots of people especially as you can see above her Auntie Linda. She was very lucky as she also received lots of presents which we managed to squeeze into our suitcases for the trip back!

A smiling Summer out shopping

Summer particularly liked Opa's eyebrows!!!

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