Thursday 22 September 2011

Summers operation

Well after three years of waiting the day of Summers closure operation arrived (Monday 19th Sept) and we were all very anxious - apart from Summer who as you can see in the picture above was still her usual smiling and happy self five minutes before the op.

The operation took 2.5 hours and the surgeon managed to do a full muscle closure without having to use a patch. Even he was surprised that he managed this as Summers exomphalos had been so large. Summer was back on the ward at lunchtime on Monday and the picture above is her making a dinosaur mask on tuesday afternoon!
Oscar spent every day at the hospital too looking after his big sister. Above they are having a cuddle on her bed.Below Summer is modelling her new "flat tummy"!
We can't quite believe that our amazing daughter is home only two days after having her operation and bouncing around as if nothing has happened.

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