Saturday 11 April 2009

Look who's talking......

Well after a few weeks of babbling, Summer has said her first word . It was a very clear Dadda - she then spent the rest of the day yesterday perfecting it!! Here's hoping the next is Mama!!!

Summer has her eight month check up last week with the Health Visitor and she passed with flying colours!! She is still a little small for her age but her weight is in proportion with her height. She is achieving all her developmental milestones such as picking up objects and passing them from hand to hand, clapping, waving etc. The only thing she isn't doing is crawling and they are unsure whether this is to do with her exomphalos or whether she will just go straight to walking.

Last weekend we had Matts family all down to celebrate Oma's birthday. It was gorgeous weather so we had a lovely stroll on the beach. This weekend my parents are coming on Easter Sunday so we will be going out for lunch and then maybe a stroll in the New Forest.

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