Thursday 11 December 2008

Summer had her latest checkup on Tuesday at Southampton Hospital. This appointment involved a full scan to check that the blood thinning drugs are working and to try and determine whether the blood clot has started to disperse .

The great news is that the clot has gone completely. "Nurse mummy" and "Doctor daddy" must have done a good job with the injections!

So the last line that Summer had going into her leg has been removed and apart from a few bruises she seems absolutely fine. As you can see from the picture above she can now lie on her tummy and look around at the world from a different perspective!

1 comment:

Jimmy said...

Well done all for freeing up the clot in Summer's leg. Great to see her having fun with Oma, and she looks like she's coming on really well. Hope you have a lovely Christmas time together.
Gill, Jimmy and Anna