Sunday, 21 September 2008

Summers checkup...

Summer had her eight week check up this week (slightly late as she is ten weeks!) which meant she saw the health visitor, doctor and nurse at our local surgery.
  • The health visitor weighed and measured Summer. She now weighs 8lb 12 oz which means she is still steadily putting on a good amount each week. Her length is 52.5 cm - she has grown by 4.5 cm since birth and head circumference is 40cm which is an increase of 6cm - must mean she has a big brain!
  • The doctor gave Summer a thorough examination and declared her "perfect in every way" apart from the obvious exomphalos!
  • Then it was a visit to the nurse for the first of her immunisations - poor thing. Summer had two injections. One will which cover her for : Diphtheria, Tetanus, Whooping Cough, Polio, Influenza and one for : Meningitis , Pneumonia and Septicaemia. She was very brave and the only effect seemed to be that she was very sleepy and slept for the rest of the day and night - I think mummy was more upset by the injections!

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