Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Quick Recap...

On Thursday 27th December 2007, half way through our routine 12 week scan, the Doctor told us they had found a problem with our baby. That was the first time either of us had ever heard the word exomphalos. It has been part of our daily vocabulary ever since.

The Doctor went on to explain a bit more about the condition – we won’t, the GEEPS website does a far better job than we would (see links).The Doctor also explained that the presence of an exomphalos is often an indicator of other chromosomal conditions. We were given a 1 in 4 chance of our baby having a serious chromosomal disorder.

At 9.30 on the Friday morning Emma had a CVS test. Over the next couple of days, while awaiting the results, we could not be entirely sure which of the 3 possible outcomes we favoured. The choices were a baby with a serious life threatening condition; a miscarriage resulting from the CVS or a baby with just an exomphalos - a condition we barely understood. Though grim, at least the first two were clear cut ‘no brainers’. The CVS results thankfully gave us the all clear for any chromosome abnormalities.

We were then referred to Mr Matthew Coleman - Professor of Fetal Medicine at Southamptons Princess Anne Hospital. That meeting was a real turning point and we haven’t really looked back since. We had regular scans to check that the baby was growing correctly at both Bournemouth and Southampton hospitals. Emma was advised she could have a natural birth and an induction date was booked for 7th July 2008.


Nicola said...

Matt, Emma and Summer,
I hope you don't mind me posting a comment but your website has just made me cry, smile and have some optimism again.
Our 14 week baby has been diagnosed with exomphalos and I also had a CVS scan 4 days ago. We are awaiting results and couldn't help but be comforted by your comments on this time for yourself. You took the words out my mouth! We have everything crossed that our wee baby just has an exomphalos and we can start to focus on that.
I would love to speak to you or email you perhaps seperately from this site if you thought more suitable. I appreciate you might like to just get on with life with Summer but if all is clear tomorrow, I would love to speak to someone who knows what my husband and I are going through. Just say if this isn't appropriate and I will totally understand. I have found the GEEPS website very helpful so far.
Can I also take this time to say congratulations and comment on how beautiful your daughter is. It has filled me with much hope and I'm so pleased I 'discovered' it. Good luck with everything in the future and enjoy your gorgeous girl.

The Rudd Family - Matt, Emma and Summer said...

Hi Nicola,

I'm sorry I only just saw your comment. I hope everything went ok with your CVS test?

Please email me at: emmabradley1978@yahoo.co.uk and we can arrange a time to chat. It definately helped me to talk to people during my pregnancy.

Emma x

Unknown said...

Hi, Matt, Emma and Summer,

I am Sabarna from India. Your web site made me cry with happiness. Me and my husband also went trough the same situation. Our daughter "Joyee" was also born with an exomphalos and was operated. Now she is a healthy three months old child. I wish you Best of luck with evrything under the sun with your gorgeous "Summer". Hats off to "Summer" and "Joyee". They are the "born Fighters" and the "REAL Winners" I pray to God for the wellbeing of "Summer" and "Joyee", may sucess kisses their feet in every sphere of life.