Thursday, 27 August 2009

Summer's first haircut....

Yesterday Summer had her first haircut. She was so good at the hairdressers - maybe because she got to sit in a car whilst they trimmed her hair! She has now got rid of the hair that kept getting in her eyes and the back is very neat.

In the last couple of days not only is Summer trying to walk but she has also started crawling forwards. She has been able to go backwards for quite a while but she is very pleased that she can now go forward! The video below shows her crawling.

Sunday, 23 August 2009

She'll be running next......

This week Summer has been practicing walking more and more. Here she is in our friends garden with a baby walker.

Friday, 14 August 2009

This week Summer hasn't been feeling very well. She is still teething with her four molars trying to come through all at once. On top of that she has picked up a chest infection and has been started on antibiotics. This hasn't stopped her trying to pull herself up on everything as you can see above. I think she was after the CD's in this picture!

The video below shows how Summers walking is progressing . She is holding onto mummy but is getting quicker!

Sunday, 2 August 2009

A busy week...

This week has been a busy one. Summer has managed to work out how to pull herself up from sitting to standing and has been practising over the last couple of days. The video at the bottom shows her having a go at walking in her cot.

The picture above shows her trying out her new swing in the garden and below is Summer on her trike. We all went for a walk at Hengistbury Head. Summer is not longer very keen to sit in her buggy for long periods of time but she happily sat on her trike for an hour - waving at people and saying "hiya".

Summers 7th tooth popped through this week and I think numbers 8, 9 & 10 will be shortly following as I can see them just below the surface of her gums. It has disturbed her a sleep a little so mummy and daddy are a bit tired!